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The low down on sleep regressions

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Sleep regressions are just that - when our baby’s otherwise good sleep, regresses/goes off track/turns to sh*t. Sleep regressions can be a cause of worry for parents that know about them and a cause of shock for parents who don’t know they exist. They don’t affect every baby but indeed can completely throw off even the best sleepers slumber!

Here is all you need to know about the dreaded sleep regressions:

When do they occur?

Sleep regressions can occur anytime at all and for varying reasons however there are common ages that they tend to crop up…

  • 4 months

  • 9 months

  • 12 months

  • 18 months

  • 2 years

Why do they occur?

The most common causes are:

  • 4 months: biological sleep maturation and also baby learning to roll

  • 9 months: drawing, standing, separation anxiety, talking

  • 12 months: talking, walking, separation anxiety

  • 18 months: walking, running, talking

  • 2 years: cognitive development

What are the signs?

  • 4 Months: short naps, waking every two hours overnight, general fussiness

  • 9 Months +: fighting naps, waking overnight, trouble with settling and resettling, babbling and talking in the middle of the night, siting/crawling/standing in cot

Tips to get through

  • 4 months: provide optimal sleep environment (dark room, white noise, etc), teach baby to self settle, follow an age appropriate routine

  • 9 months +: stick to routine, offer age appropriate naps, don’t introduce new sleep associations, practice new skills in the day, a nice long wind down before naps and bedtime

I quite often have questions from parents of newborn babies around the four month sleep regression - social media, friends and family have these parents pre-worried about their baby’s sleep taking a turn for the worst. Try not to fret - there is every chance your baby won’t be affected - within my friend group alone, I was the only unlucky one to have noticeable 4 month sleep regression occur!

If your baby has hit a regression and you’re having a tough time and waiting for it to end - please do reach out for help! As parents, we LOVE to have something to blame bad sleep on and sleep regressions are great for that but at some point we do need to take the reigns and help get things back on track for the good of our family. There is a common misconception that there is a start and stop time to these regressions. Sure, this may be the case for some babies but too often I have parents come to me after `12 months of waiting for the four month sleep regression to end. Better late than never but also sad to know they have been battling away with fractured sleep when they haven’t needed to.

If you have anymore questions about regressions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me for help on how to get through.

Abby x

Baby Sleep Consultant NZ. Making Baby and Toddler Sleep Easy.

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