A Dive Into Sleep Training
Updated: Jan 15, 2024
Sleep training is the process of teaching your baby to fall asleep and stay asleep independently.
Sleep Training is a bit like a puzzle - there are so many pieces that need to be in the right places to get results. The puzzle pieces are sleep environment, timing and balance of day sleep & night sleep, timing and intake of milk feeds and solids, past medical history, sleep associations, baby temperament, parenting style and any other factors that may be affecting sleep.
You will start by filling out a detailed questionnaire. Once I have this information I complete an evaluation and write a personalised program for you based on your unique situation. The plan ensures all elements are optimal to support sleep. Baby is well nourished - their sleep environment is optimal - they are loved – sleep drive is optimal. I will not begin any sleep programs if there are concerns about a medical issue, as it's important to rule out any underlying pain or discomfort that may be affecting your baby's sleep.

Did you know?
Babies are not born with the ability to put themselves to sleep, it is a skill they need to learn. Sleep training is the learning process. We allow our baby time to discover how to go to sleep unassisted with emotional support from the parents. There are a variety of supportive in room and out of room techniques you can choose from to start teaching your little one the skills.
What Sleep Training Methods Do I Use?
I use 2 main techniques; in-room and out-of-room with checks (Spaced Soothing). Both techniques are customised to meet the needs of each baby and their family. Sometimes this means combining methods.
During the consultation, we discuss the specifics of each method in detail and tailor them to the age of your baby and your family's specific situation. My ultimate goal is to provide you with the best fit possible to help your baby develop healthy sleep habits. I do not use cry-it-out.
Throughout your sleep support period, you will receive regular messaging, as well as feedback on your daily sleep logs, to ensure you feel supported. I make changes and adjustments to the plan as we go, if required.
What are the Benefits of Sleep Training?
Sleep training has numerous benefits for both children and parents. By teaching your child healthy sleep habits, you can ensure they get the restorative sleep they need to support their cognitive development, regulate their moods and behavior, and maintain good health. Not only will your baby be able to fall asleep independently, but they will also be better equipped to handle any disruptions to their sleep.
And for parents, the benefits are clear - with more consolidated sleep, you'll feel more rested and energised, making it easier to enjoy time with your little one and tackle daily tasks with lots of energy.
What is the Best Age to Start Sleep Training?
Around 16 weeks, babies develop the ability to consistently fall asleep independently. However, they often need some guidance from us to develop this skill. Just like any other new skill we teach our little ones, it takes time and patience, and consistency
Newborn babies do not have the ability to consistently self-settle, but we can still establish good sleep habits by using gentle, hands-on techniques to assist them in sleeping.

Is sleep training harmful due to crying?
Absolutely not. Short periods of crying in a loving and caring environment are not harmful to a baby's overall well-being. Various studies have been conducted that have sampled cortisol levels, which is an indicator of stress, in babies after a crying period. The levels have been found to be low to moderate, indicating that it is not toxic.
On the other hand, long-term sleep deprivation is proven to be harmful to a baby's development, as well as the wellbeing of parents.
If you are ready to get started check out my packages to see what is right for you, or book in a free 10 minute call to chat out your situation.
Sleep training is not for everyone and Sleep Solutions understand and respect that.
Abby x
Baby Sleep Consultant NZ. Making Baby and Toddler Sleep Easy.