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How Physical Development Effects Sleep

Alana Macdonald

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

As a parent one of the most beautiful things is watching our little ones learn and practice a new skill. From learning to use their tiny hands, to taking their first steps, right through to stringing sentences together. It is so amazing to witness these precious moments, and it is a sign of healthy growth and development.

baby standing in cot

Some examples of physical milestones that can impact sleep

  • rolling

  • sitting

  • crawling

  • pulling up to standing

  • cruising around furniture

  • walking

  • running

During these times of intense learning sleep patterns can start to change - hello sleep regression! Studies indicates that “emerging motor skills may involve periods of disrupted sleep”. This is evidenced by increased night waking amongst babies and toddlers.

Just like adults our little ones can have a hard time shutting off their brains. Some nights this can result in your child uncharacteristically being found crawling or standing in their cot at 3am. Or they may roll over every time you put them down. Does this sound familiar? They just simply want to practice their new moves - these skills are more fun than sleep right? It's all developmentally normal.

How to manage these disruptions to sleep

1 . Practice the new skills in the day. Make sure your baby gets plenty of floor time throughout the day. This enables them to practice their new skill and are therefore less likely to want to practice in the night.

2. If they are safe and happy in their cot just ride it out and leave them to it. It will pass.

3. If they keep sitting or standing encourage them to lie down by patting the mattress and saying "lie down" This is also a fun game you can role play through out the day. If they do not lie down on their own you may need to gently lie them down....again and again!

4. If your baby is rolling over every time you pop them in the cot you can practice some rolling in the cot during awake time. Once you pop them down for sleep give them some time to learn to self settle on their tummy, while soothing them with a hand on the back and some reassuring words.

5. Consistency! Remain consistent in your approach to the waking and they will disappear. This is just a phase and it will pass.

Sleep regression

If your sleep has been completely derailed by a physical development book a free 10 minute chat to discuss you Sleep Solution.

Alana - Baby Sleep Consultant NZ. Making Baby and Toddler Sleep Easy

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