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Nap Transitions Guide

Alana Macdonald

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

Nap transitions aka dropping naps can be a tricky and confusing time for parents. I often see parents drop naps too soon as the result of a sleep regression. Here are some tips for each age group to help you determine when and how to make the change.

3 naps to 2 naps The 3rd nap generally drops between 6.5 and 8 months. Signs your baby is ready to transition to 2 naps:

  • It becomes harder to get them to sleep over this time

  • They can make it to 5.30pm happily

  • They lunch nap starts to shorten

  • They resist bedtime

  • They are over 8 months old


Try to ensure your baby sleeps until 2.30pm before dropping this nap or your baby will go to bed overtired. Pull bedtime forward to 6pm for a couple of weeks when the nap initially drops, then gradually push it back towards 6.30pm.

Baby naps Wanaka

2 naps to 1 nap The 2nd nap generally drops between 15 and 18 months. Signs you toddler is ready to transition to 1 nap:

  • They are not going to sleep for the morning nap or taking a long time to settle

  • They resist the afternoon nap

  • The afternoon nap shortens

  • Night sleep becomes disrupted - frequent waking, or awake for long periods

  • Early morning wake ups

  • Your toddler can make it to 11am easily

  • Split nights (they are awake for a long period in the middle of the night)


Try not to put your toddler down for their lunch nap any earlier than 12.00pm, as this means a big awake window at the end of the day which leads to overtiredness and bedtime battles. You can reduce this nap to gradually so they have 2 naps every second or third day.

Dropping Nap Queenstown

1 nap to no nap The afternoon nap generally drops between 2.5 and 3 years old. Signs you child is ready:

  • They resist going down for this nap and/or take a long time to settle

  • They resist bedtime and take a long time to settle at night

  • Early morning wake ups

  • Split nights (they are awake for a long period in the middle of the night)


Try gradually trimming the nap back by 30 minutes at a time to give their bodies a chance to adapt. I don't suggest cutting it shorter than 45 minutes as your child will go into a deep sleep phase and could be really hard to wake up. Pull bedtime forward to 6pm until they adjust. You can reduce this nap gradually so they have a short nap every second or third day. This nap transition is the hardest and might take up to 6 months until they fully adjust to no naps!

When and how to drop naps

Each nap transition will take a different amount of time depending on how you structure sleep in your home. My routines are designed to make all the transitions as smooth as possible, so get in touch if you would like a look at one. Babies rarely drop naps on their own, so it is important you have an idea of when a nap is due to drop and the signs to look for so you can lead them through the process. If you are struggling with the transition head on over and have a look at my packages to see how I can help you get sleep working better in your family.

Alana x

Baby Sleep Consultant NZ. Making Baby and Toddler Sleep Easy.

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